Developing on GBasis

Modifying GBasis is somewhat possible. It requires Python, Cython, and C++ familiarity. Because of the mixed-language nature of the code, development tools don’t work comprehensively. You can still use Python dev tools for Python code, but it is unable to analyze the sections which jump to C++.

Since it is not possible to step through GBasis with a debugger, we made diagrams explaining the rough code execution when calling GOBasis.compute_overlap and GOBasis.compute_electron_repulsion.

First, we cover how to call C++ from Python.

Calling C++ from Python using Cython

Skip this if you are intimately familiar with Cython

We give a quick primer to Cython in this section (this is in no way a replacement for the Cython documentation!).

Developers use Cython to accelerate Python by writing .pyx files. These files are compiled by Cython into C++ files, which generate a shared object that CPython can import. If you wish to run your own C++ code in Python, you must import it into the .pyx file.

Importing C++ code into a .pyx is possible with the help of a .pxd file. Think of it as the Cython equivalent of the C++ .h header. Once a C++ object has been declared in a .pxd header, you can call it from within the .pyx.

So for example if we wanted to expose the compute_grid_point1 function from the C++ class GBasis in the header gbasis.h:

class GBasis {
    void compute_grid_point1(double *output, double *point, GB1GridFn *grid_fn);

We would generate a gbasis.pxd

cdef extern from "gbasis.h":
    cdef cppclass GBasis:
        void compute_grid_point1(double* output, double* point, fns.GB1DMGridFn* grid_fn)

Subsequently, we could call it from the .pyx file

cimport gbasis

cdef class GBasis:
    cdef gbasis.GBasis* _this

    def grid_point1(self, double[::1] output not None,
                            double[::1] point not None,
                            GB1DMGridFn grid_fn not None):
        # ... type safety checks go here
        self._this.compute_grid_point1(&output[0], &point[0], grid_fn._this)

We could then call it from Python

obasis = GBasis()

Note that the Cython syntax is a mix of C++ and Python. You are responsible for handling some pointer dereferencing yourself. Please refer to the Cython docs for more details.


The type safety checks within .pyx files are important. If you pass incompatible objects to C++ code, you will get a segfault at runtime, which is extremely hard to debug since gdb and pdb won’t work. You won’t even get a traceback. The compiler will also not warn you when compiling the Cython code. Pay extra close attention when writing that code!

GBasis structure

The previous section gives the general idea of how code flows within GBasis. All the user interfaces are from within Python, which interprets compiled Cython code, which calls C++ classes/functions. On a user’s machine, the C++ and Cython code is compiled into a shared object file and CPython runs it as a binary. Another common use case in GBasis is to expose C++ code for unit testing with nosetests. This practice is a relic from the original HORTON code and should not be emulated if possible. We now use google-test for direct C++ unit testing. Regardless, we document the code so developers can modify it.

This is an overview of how code flows when calculating integrals:

from gbasis import get_gobasis

# ... get coordinates, numbers, basis
obasis = get_gobasis(coordinates, number, basis)
olp = obasis.compute_overlap()
er = obasis.compute_electron_repulsion()

First the graph for generating the GOBasis instance:

obasis = get_gobasis(coordinates, number, basis)
graph TD subgraph Python c(coordinates) --> A n("atomic numbers") --> A b("basis set") -->A A["get_gobasis ("] end subgraph Cython A --> C("GOBasis (cext.pyx)") B("GBasis (cext.pyx)") -.- C end subgraph C++ gbasis("GBasis (gbasis.cpp)") -.- D C --> D("GOBasis (gbasis.cpp)") end subgraph Legend cl("Class (") -->|code flow| fn[function] par(Parent) -.-|inheritance| ch(Child) end

Implementing 1-electron integrals

After generating the GOBasis instance, you can ask for an overlap integral:

olp = obasis.compute_overlap()
graph TD START[" "] --> olp subgraph GOBasis : Gbasis gbasis.cpp olp[compute_overlap] end subgraph GBasis gbasis.cpp cti[compute_two_index] end subgraph GB2Integral ints.cpp ctp[cart_to_pure] reset[reset] end subgraph IterGB2 iter_gb.cpp upsh[update_shell] store incsh[inc_shell] end loop{"loop over primitives"} olp --> cti cti --> upsh upsh --> reset reset --> loop loop --> ctp ctp --> store store -->|shells remain| incsh store -->|no shells left| END[" "] incsh --> reset style START fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#FFFFFF; style END fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#FFFFFF;

The loop over the primitives is as follows:

graph LR subgraph GB2OverlapIntegral:GB2Integral ints.cpp add[add] end subgraph IterGB2 iter_gb.cpp uppr[update_prim] incpr[inc_prim] end START[" "] --> uppr uppr --> add add --> incpr incpr -->|primitives remain| add add -->|no primitives left|END[" "] style START fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#FFFFFF; style END fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#FFFFFF;

Astute readers will note that the only section which references the overlap integral explicitly is in the add function within GB2OverlapIntegral in the primitives loop. Other 1-electron integrals have similar structure. Thanks to the object oriented nature of this library, it is very easy to replace it.

The following is the entirety of the GB2OverlapIntegral class header:

class GB2OverlapIntegral : public GB2Integral {
  explicit GB2OverlapIntegral(long max_shell_type) : GB2Integral(max_shell_type) {}

  virtual void add(double coeff, double alpha0, double alpha1, const double *scales0, const double *scales1);

There is only one function implemented, the overlap integral kernel within add, and the rest is inherited from the parent GB2Integral class. To implement your own 1-electron integrals, all you need to do is to make a new child class of GB2Integral and implement the add function. You must also expose said function in ints.pxd and cext.pyx as mentioned in the section Calling C++ from Python using Cython. A complete implementation which will be acceptable for merging into master will also have unit tests in and follow coding standards. More details on merging contributions are available in Publishing Contributions

The machinery within add is rather complex. We will now describe that portion of the code. Note that the algorithm used is documented in Section 2 of Taketa et al. (1966).

void GB2OverlapIntegral::add(double coeff, double alpha0, double alpha1, const double *scales0,
                             const double *scales1) {
  double pre, gamma_inv;
  double gpt_center[3];

  gamma_inv = 1.0 / (alpha0 + alpha1);
  pre = coeff * exp(-alpha0 * alpha1 * gamma_inv * dist_sq(r0, r1));
  compute_gpt_center(alpha0, r0, alpha1, r1, gamma_inv, gpt_center);
  i2p.reset(abs(shell_type0), abs(shell_type1));
  do {
    work_cart[i2p.offset] += pre * (
        gb_overlap_int1d(i2p.n0[0], i2p.n1[0], gpt_center[0] - r0[0], gpt_center[0] - r1[0], gamma_inv) *
        gb_overlap_int1d(i2p.n0[1], i2p.n1[1], gpt_center[1] - r0[1], gpt_center[1] - r1[1], gamma_inv) *
        gb_overlap_int1d(i2p.n0[2], i2p.n1[2], gpt_center[2] - r0[2], gpt_center[2] - r1[2], gamma_inv) *
        scales0[i2p.ibasis0] * scales1[i2p.ibasis1]);
  } while (;

The code in add implements equation 2.12 of Taketa et al. (1966). The 3D gaussian primitive is divided into a prefactor, and 1D cartesian gaussian primitives, calculated in gb_overlap_int1d. The iterator over cartesian gaussians i2p is inherited from GB2Integral and defined in iter_pow.h. Notably, the i2p class is what determines the ordering of the basis functions within each shell. If a different sub-shell ordering is desired, it should be implemented here.

Implementing 2-electron integrals