Computing an integral involving the electron density

This section assumes that the following objects are already available:

  • obasis: an orbital basis set object
  • dm_full: a spin-summed density matrix
  • grid: a Becke-Lebedev integration grid (available from the grids package).

If you are not familiar with the obasis and dm_full objects, please refer to user_molecularham_basis and user_hf_dft, respectively. Note that the density matrix can also be loaded from a file instead of being computed by GBasis. This is demonstrated in an example at the end of this section.

First, you must evaluate the integrand on all the points of the integration grid. In case of the electron density, this can be done as follows:

rho = obasis.compute_grid_density_dm(dm_full, grid.points)

It is assumed that dm_full is symmetric. Several other quantities can also be evaluated on the grid. For more details, please refer to:

  • compute_grid_density_dm()
  • compute_grid_gradient_dm()
  • compute_grid_gga_dm()
  • compute_grid_kinetic_dm()
  • compute_grid_hessian_dm()
  • compute_grid_mgga_dm()
  • compute_grid_hartree_dm()
  • compute_grid_esp_dm()
  • compute_grid_orbitals_exp()

Integrating the electron density by itself results in the total number of electrons. This is a simple way to verify the accuracy of the integration grid.


Since rho is simply a Numpy array, it can be manipulated easily to compute functionals of the electron density, e.g.


You can also use the grid.points array to evaluate other expectation values numerically, e.g. the following snippet evaluates the expectation value of \(\vert\mathbf{r}\vert=(x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2})^{0.5}\):

r = (grid.points[:,0]**2 + grid.points[:,1]**2 + grid.points[:,2]**2)**0.5
grid.integrate(rho, r)

As shown in the above snippet, the integrate method can take multiple one-dimensional arrays that are all multiplied before integration.

The following script is a complete example for computing the expectation value of \(\vert\mathbf{r}\vert=(x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2})^{0.5}\) for a molecular wave-function loaded from a file.

Constructing a one-body operator from a real-space potential

This section assumes that the following objects are already available:

  • obasis: an orbital basis set object
  • dm_full: a spin-summed density matrix
  • grid: a Becke-Lebedev integration grid as introduced above.

If you are not familiar with the obasis object, please refer to user_molecularham_basis. The density matrix can either be read from a file or computed with GBasis. For more information, please refer to user_hf_dft.

Given a multiplicative potential, its expectation value is written as:

\[\langle V \rangle = \int \rho(\mathbf{r}) V(\mathbf{r}) d\mathbf{r}.\]

Expanding the orbitals in a local basis set results in:

\[\langle V \rangle = \sum_{\mu\nu} D_{\mu\nu} \mathcal{V}_{\nu\mu}\]

where \(D_{\mu\nu}\) is the spin-summed density matrix. The matrix \(\mathcal{V}_{\nu\mu}\) is defined as

\[\mathcal{V}_{\nu\mu} = \int V(\mathbf{r}) b_\nu^*(\mathbf{r}) b_\mu(\mathbf{r}) d\mathbf{r}\]

where \(b_\mu(\mathbf{r})\) are the orbital basis functions. Such matrices can be constructed with the compute_grid_density_fock() method. This method is also useful when applying the chain rule to construct the contribution of a density functional to a Fock matrix:

\[\frac{\partial E[\rho]}{\partial D_{\nu\mu}} = \int \frac{\delta E[\rho]}{\delta \rho(\mathbf{r})} b_\nu^*(\mathbf{r}) b_\mu(\mathbf{r}) d\mathbf{r}\]

The usage pattern is as follows:

# Construct some potential, e.g. a hyperbolic well
rsq = grid.points[:,0]**2 + grid.points[:,1]**2 + grid.points[:,2]**2
pot = np.sqrt(1 + rsq)

# Actual computation
fock = obasis.compute_grid_density_fock(grid.points, grid.weights, pot)

Other chain rules are also implemented:

  • compute_grid_gradient_fock()

    \[\frac{\partial E[\nabla\rho]}{\partial D_{\nu\mu}} = \int \frac{\delta E[\nabla\rho]}{\delta \nabla\rho(\mathbf{r})} \cdot \left( \nabla b_\nu^*(\mathbf{r}) b_\mu(\mathbf{r}) + b_\nu^*(\mathbf{r}) \nabla b_\mu(\mathbf{r}) \right) d\mathbf{r}\]
  • compute_grid_gradient_fock() just combines the density and gradient chain rules. This is more efficient than computing the separately.

  • compute_grid_kinetic_fock()

    \[\frac{\partial E[\tau]}{\partial D_{\nu\mu}} = \frac{1}{2}\int \frac{\delta E[\tau]}{\delta \tau(\mathbf{r})} \nabla b_\nu^*(\mathbf{r}) \nabla b_\mu(\mathbf{r}) d\mathbf{r}\]

    where \(\tau(\mathbf{r})\) is the positive kinetic energy density:

    \[\tau(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\mu\nu} D_{\mu\nu} \nabla b_\nu^*(\mathbf{r}) \nabla b_\mu(\mathbf{r})\]
  • compute_grid_hessian_fock()

    \[\frac{\partial E[\nabla\nabla\rho]}{\partial D_{\nu\mu}} = \int \frac{\delta E[\nabla\nabla\rho]}{\delta \nabla\nabla\rho(\mathbf{r})} \colon \left( \nabla \nabla b_\nu^*(\mathbf{r}) b_\mu(\mathbf{r}) + 2 \nabla b_\nu^*(\mathbf{r}) \nabla b_\mu(\mathbf{r}) + b_\nu^*(\mathbf{r}) \nabla \nabla b_\mu(\mathbf{r}) \right) d\mathbf{r}\]
  • compute_grid_mgga_fock() just combines several of the previous chain rules: density, gradient, laplacian (trace of the Hessian) and kinetic energy density.